Solomon Airlines Limited


The Accountable and Responsible Minister
Minister for Finance and Treasury


Board of Directors

Director Position Expiry
Mr. Frank Wickham Chairman 11/03/2026
Mrs. Areau Matang Hivu Member 05/03/2027
Mr. Jackson Kiloe Member 26/09/2025
Mr. Andrew Nihopara Member 11/03/2027
Mr. Mike Clay Member 21/10/2025
Mr. Bob Pollard

Mrs. Rose Sulu





Solomon Airlines Limited (SAL) is a Solomon Islands company registered under the Companies Act 2009. 100% of its shares are owned by the Government of Solomon Islands, through the Investment Corporation of the Solomon Islands (82.3%) and Solomon Island Holdings (17.7%). This SOE is commercially focused to provide domestic and international air and ground handling services that will fully maximize the benefits of our customers.

The company is subject to the State-owned Enterprises Act 2007 and State-owned Enterprises Regulations 2010.

Solomon Airlines is governed by a board of directors that is responsible to the Minister of Finance and Treasury, being the Accountable Minister for Solomon Airlines Limited.

Vision and Mission
Solomon Airlines serves a domestic network of 24 destinations, and four international cities (Brisbane, Nadi, Port Vila and Port Moresby). It is the only scheduled airline operating on domestic routes, although it does not have statutory exclusivity on any of its routes.

Community Service Obligations
Solomon Airlines received SBD9.9million, SBD3.039 million, SBD2.766 million, SBD3.8 million and SBD4.0 million in payments for the provision of community service obligations (CSOs) in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. These CSOs are air services to provincial airstrips where ticketing revenue is insufficient to cover the costs of service.

Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights (SBD ‘000) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 5-yr Average
Revenue 259,701 277,845 294,121 316,187 195,444  268,668
Net Profit After Tax -17,244 10,797 31,354 -41,382 -30,855 -14,548
CSO payments 9,978 3,039 2,766 3,800 4,000  4,717
Total Assets 168,315 167,310 209,179 172,766 203,352  184,184
Total Liabilities 168,141 164,594 176,458 181,427 250,811  188,286
Shareholders Funds 174 2,716 32,720 -8,662 -47,460  -4,102
ROE % -9930.0% -398% 96% -2455%
ROA % -10.2% 6% 15% -24% -15% -6%
Asset Utilization 154% 166% 140% 183% 96% 148%
Cash / Current liabilities 0.038 0.221 0.14 0.19 0.12 0.150

trend new (2)

SALs revenue have gradually increase from 2016 – 2019, however, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 has result to the fall of revenue in 2020 as flights are canceled, border restriction has been imposed and lockdown. Looking at the profit of SAL during this 5-year period is very low compared to the revenue because of high expenses, high operation cost, unprofitable domestic route and other financial obligation. Average return on asset for SAL during this 5-year period is -6%, this is a challenge for SAL as they have not been able to gain profit from fully utilizing their assets. SAL return on equity remains low than expected as trend shows a negative ROE all throughout the 5-year period. Thus, this means that SAL is less efficient in using it equity capital to generate profit. However, SAL is very certain that they will become more efficient in the next 5 years.

Important Documents

SAL Financial Statements: 2014 | 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019

Statement of Corporative objectives:

Annual Reports: 2014 I 2016
